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Biblio: the search term namn=('Heuberger, Philipp') results in 5 hits

1. Heuberger, Philipp / Institutionen för informationsbehandling
  Distributed deadlock detection and resolution with probes / Beverly A. Sanders and Philipp A. Heuberger.
- In: Distributed algorithms : 3rd International Workshop, Nice, France, September 1989 : proceedings / J.-C. Bermond, M. Raynal (eds.). - New York : Berlin : Springer, cop. 1989, - (Lecture notes in computer science ; 392).
ISBN 0-387-51687-5 3-540-51687-5
2. Heuberger, Philipp / Institutionen för informationsbehandling
  Embedding Oberon type extension into refinement calculus / Philipp Heuberger.
- In: Proceedings of the 7th Nordic workshop on programming theory November 1-3, 1995, Göteborg - Sweden / Bror Bjerner, ... (eds.). - [Göteborg], 1996, s. 145-155. - (Report / Programming Methodology Group, University of Göteborg and Chalmers University of Technology ; 86).
ISBN 992-229509-1
3. Heuberger, Philipp / Institutionen för informationsbehandling
  Proving on a reasonable level of abstraction with programmer-designed theories / Philipp Heuberger.
- In: 1st Conference on the B method : November, 24-25-26, 1996, Nantes, (France) : proceedings / editor: Henri Habrias. - Nantes : IRIN-IUT, 1996, s. 297-302.
ISBN 2-906082-25-2
4. Heuberger, Philipp / Institutionen för informationsbehandling
  The refinement tool : RefStep / Philipp Heuberger and David Hofmann.
- In: Proceedings of the 7th Nordic workshop on programming theory November 1-3, 1995, Göteborg - Sweden / Bror Bjerner, ... (eds.). - [Göteborg], 1996, s. 565-570. - (Report / Programming Methodology Group, University of Göteborg and Chalmers University of Technology ; 86).
ISBN 992-229509-1
5. Heuberger, Philipp / Institutionen för informationsbehandling
  Weak and strong structural induction and its mechanical support by a proof tool / Philipp Heuberger, Alexandru Mateescu. - Turku : Turku Centre for Computer Science, 1996. - [2], 14 s. - (TUCS Technical reports, ISSN 1239-1891 ; No 24).
ISBN 51-650-775-1